Saturday, October 30, 2010

Apartment Hunting Round 2

So actually it is more like round 1000... But it is blog post 2.

I went back out into the scary world of Craigslist, taking my chances and trusting in the underlying good nature of human beings.  Found a couple good prospects.  Here is the basic situation:

A) I can pay $200 more and sign a 1year lease for a fairly sweet apartment in the neighborhood I'm currently living in.  Washer and dryer in building, decent parking, quiet neighborhood but 2 blocks away from a ton of bars in the super-safe Castro district, also super close to public transportation and within walking distance from my beloved Safeway grocery store.  2 bedroom, 1 bath, kitchenette with disposal and dishwasher, a decent amount of cupboard space.  Lots of windows (love that part), carpet throughout (actually I don't like that part), TONS of closet space.  Also it has a gas fireplace. See the pics below:

Not too bad for the price.  I would have to provide all the furniture, obviously.  A downside to moving in to a fresh apartment.. But also with the upside of decorating it exactly the way I want to.  It would feel like home, not just like I was staying in a hotel for an extended period of time.

I would be rooming with a really sweet-seeming girl named Sophia. Just met her today but I got a really good feeling about her.. Then again I could be a bad judge of character.  You never know.  But we got along really really well...So cross your fingers.

The other option is this:

B) Sublet a room for about 4 months in Cole Valley, a quaint, more upscale suburb with lots of little cafes and organic grocers.  The room is gorgeous but small, in a quiet house.  The owner is in her upper 40s, very neat (a plus for me). She mostly keeps to herself, working from home, but was really nice.  We bonded over Jack Russells.  Her current dog is a Fox Terrier (very close to Jack Russells) and I mentioned that I used to own one...I looked up and her eyes were tearing up.  Apparently her very dear Jack had just passed away a couple months ago.  I felt bad for bringing it up but it was good to have something to bond over.  Anyway the main reason for wanting this room is... cheap!  Only $750 a month (I know that sounds ridiculous to whoever is reading this back in SC.."$750 for ONE BEDROOM without a closet??") Yes people.. I am currently paying $850 for my closetless room right now.  Not including utilities.  So a flat $750 in such a nice neighborhood is a definite upgrade.  It has the downside of that hotel-room feeling, where I wouldn't really feel at home.

An unlikely 3rd option:
C) Room with 4 early 20something girls who are in college.  Only $830 in a nice neighborhood close to where I am now.  Downside: small room..and sharing a house with 4 girls who are in college.  Meaning probable parties (fun when you don't have class till 11, not so good when you wake at 4 am to go to work), messes (clothes were strewn all over the floor from the 2 bedrooms nearest the entrance.. not a great way to welcome guests)....  Yeahh.

SO that is what's going on right now.  Here are some more random pics from living in the city:

Gorgeous house in my neighborhood

Killer hill in my neighborhood

"Close the bathrooms at night, there will be no vandalism." "I wrote this in the daytime, dumbass." Bathrooms in the grocery store. As an aside.. Really, who goes around with permanent markers in their pockets unless they intend on writing things on bathroom walls?? They have to wake up and leave their house that day with the intent to write on something.

Rare view of the city in sunshine.  View from Buena Vista Park, also in my neighborhood.

So that's it for now... Any thoughts on the room situation?


  1. I would totally go for option 1. For one thing, it's gorgeous. The apartment is beautiful, the view looks beautiful, you would be able to decorate it exactly how you want it...I think it's the most perfect thing you've found yet. Another plus is that you wouldn't have to do this all over again, like you have to do is you subleased for 4 months. It would be cheaper, but you would have to continue this process. If you can afford the rent without really killing your budget, I would totally say this looks like the one.

    On another note, I MISS YOU SO MUCH and I cannot wait to come see you ASAP.

  2. Also, I would strongly advise against living with the 4 college girls. AGAINST AGAINST AGAINST. I think you would hate that. I would hate that, therefore actually I KNOW you would hate that. I mean clothes all over the floor? The apartment does not look like something we'd want to live in at this point in our lives...especially not with your full time job. I say turn that one down immediately. Ugh college girls
