Halloween. Crazy time. I unfortunately was SUPER awesome and brought my camera but neglected to include a very essential part--the battery. Therefore I have no pictures. ):
My coworker Van came over and brought some bubblegum flavored vodka.. Unexpected, but very tasty when mixed with sprite and lemonade (lemonade was my idea). He was hitting the bottle pretty hard, lol... I could definitely see he was feeling the effects of the bubbly deliciousness when we left my apt to meet up with his roommate for a partay.
We headed to her friend's apartment, which was all decked out for Halloween. She had a table full of chips and dips and both kitchen sinks filled with ice and bottles and bottles of liquor, wine, whatever. You name it, she had it.
After a few minutes there, everyone went to a different party. There were 10 of us so we needed 2 cabs, but (unsurprisingly) all the cabs were filled and it was SUPER hard to find 2 empty ones. We were about to just take the bus when a huge white Escalade pulled up blasting rap music. "You need a ride?" the driver called out. He was an enterprising young African American who decided to take advantage of the lack of cabs and (illegally) rent out his huge car as a taxi. We piled in and it was pretty awesome.. TV screens everywhere playing music videos, loud music.. We were having a partay on the way to the partay.
He got us there in 1 piece and we poured out and headed into the next party. This house was way upscale, very nice inside. In the basement there were DJs spinning some sweet tunes and another huge alcohol table much like the sinks in the 1st house. Upstairs people were mingling and having fun.
I also ran into one of the guys who lives at a house in which I tried to rent a bedroom. What are the odds? But anyway he was cool. He told me the "inside information," as he put it.. The kids in the house voted and decided they wanted another guy in the room to keep the gender balance. It was OK, their loss (: I got his number and will hopefully have a new friend out here. I mean there are 10 people living in that house (it's a 4 story mansion, lots of space) so at least one of them is bound to like me. I haven't had too much success finding a room via craigslist but the people are generally great--no crazies so far.
That brings me to the next topic, a frequent but not favorite one.. Apartment hunting. I went to see another room Friday night. The room was perfect--big, great area, cheap, clean, nice roommates... But like always, the perfect room and I did not see eye to eye and the girls who live there chose to go with another candidate. Oh well. Today I went to check out an apartment that I would lease with Sophia, a girl I met on craigslist. She's pretty all around cool--very busy with school and work, friendly, 24, likes yoga. We decided to pool our resources and do the apartment search together because you get more for your money with $2000 a month rather than $1000. And we are considering adding a 3rd to our little roommate family because you get even more for $3000. We posted another ad on craigslist and found a decent sounding candidate. I will keep you posted on that. We meet him on Monday afternoon when we are going to see another apartment.
But anyway yeah the apt today.. Great location--Hayes Valley is super safe and very cute, with lots of pretty houses. Tons of shops and cafes and restaurants are super close. It's close to Market St, a major street, and the highway--good for me, the commuter. It's on the 3rd floor (no noise from upstairs neighbors) and has great sunlight pouring in through the windows. 2 bedrooms but one is pretty small, a small kitchen, living room.. Check out the pics. It's not huge but for the area it seems like it's worth it.
kitchen |
small bedroom |
large bedroom |
outside |
Tonight I am going to the Haight, a sketchy area that for some reason is up and coming. Think lots of dirty emo kids roaming around at night begging for change, but tons of bars that attract all kinds of people. Should be interesting.